Simple handprint card

I made this card not long ago with my little friend. It was his nana’s birthday and we decided to make her a card.  As he is still little, and thinks crayons are a colourful snack, I had to help him colour in the card.  It was sweet, as he had never seen colour appear on paper before.

Simple handprint card


  • Paper
  • A small chubby hand
  • Marker
  • Scissors
  • Crayons



Fold the paper in half and then place your child’s hand onto the paper and trace along all the fingers. It can be tricky as it’s hard to keep those wriggly fingers still for a very long time. Get someone to help if you need it.


Cut out the outline of the hand with the scissors.


Write a beautiful message inside for which ever the card is for.


Then with or with out your help, have your little one colour in the front. 

There is fun activity for babies, scarf sensory bottles.

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