Colouring printouts

It’s so easy to find pictures online to colour in! We had a butterfly theme going on last week, so I Googled “butterfly colouring printouts” and pages and pages came up. I choose a simple one, as I wanted to introduce my little friend to colouring and crayons.

My friend is just a little toddler so this was probably a more of a sensory experience for her. She could see all the different crayon colours, touch them and smell them. She wanted to eat them, but I discouraged that. She did hold the crayon with my help, so she could see the colour appear on the paper.

Colouring printouts


  • Google
  • Printer
  • Paper
  • Crayons (or markers)



You can print out a picture that matches your child´s interest, like animals, cars or abstract ones like mandala. After the picture has been chosen, it’s just time to hit the print button and start colouring in.

I love stickering!

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