Rainbow rice sensory bin

A rainbow rice sensory bin is basically a bin (or a box) that is filled with colourful rice and toy’s. It is part of sensory play, and therefore allows your child to investigate through feeling, scooping, grabbing, and pouring as he or she plays with the rice. It is fun and surprisingly calming.

I allowed my friend to run his fingers through the rice at first, and mix the colors together. It was sweet to watch him; he did the same to the sand when we went to the beach a few months back. Then I gave him tubs, spoons and a funnel. There was a lot of scooping and pouring!

Here is the blog post on how you make the rainbow rice!

Rainbow rice sensory bin


  • Rainbow rice
  • Large clear box (good if there is a lid)
  • Plastic tubs, plastic spoons & a funnel



Make up batches of rainbow rice and place in the plastic box (you can place the rice in rows by color, and then your child can mix it up them selves).


Place the tubs, scoops and funnel in and let your child go to town.


When finished playing with the rainbow rice, sweep up the rice that has fallen on to the ground and throw into the bin. Then you can cover the plastic box with the lid and store until next time. You can also store the rice in a sip-lock bag.

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