How to press leaves

I love going out in the fresh (cold) autumn weather and finding beautiful leaves with my friends. There is just something about being outside in the fresh air. Strolling along, chatting about everything and anything.

Why do leaves change their color?

Why do leaves fall from the trees?

There are so many wonderful activities that can be made from leaves. I´m sure I will post about a few in the weeks to come. But first you need to know how to press the leaves. This is how I did it.

Note: Pick a day that is sunny and/or dry so that the leaves are not damp.

How to press leaves


  • A variation of leaves
  • A big book no longer in use (like Glasgow street guide).
  • Wax paper
  • Sissors



I cut the wax paper roughly the size of the two pages of the book (folded out). Then I folded the wax paper in half.


Place the wax paper between pages inside the book (I started at the back). Arrange the leaves on the wax paper so that they are not touching. Fold the wax paper over and then turn the page.


Repeat the process every 30-50 pages or so.


When finished stack heavy books on top.


Leave for a few days (Mine were ready after 2 days! No, I just could not wait any longer, to be honest).

Here is an activity that goes well with this one. Have a look! 

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