Balloon printing

In this balloon printing activity, your child dips a balloon into the paint and prints it onto the paper.  The top of the ballon acts as sturdy handle for your child  to hold onto and the balloon makes a great pattern that looks like fire works.

This activity teaches your child’s fine motor skills, art exploration and colour recognition. You can also say that this a sensory activity as the balloon provides a tactile experience for the children.

Balloon printing


  • Balloons
  • Cardboard paper
  • Different colours of paint
  • Plastic bowls



Blow up the balloons.


Pour a few colours onto the plastic bowls.


Then show your child how to make a print by dipping the balloon into the paint and then make a print onto a piece of paper

I love stickering with kids. Especially when they are first learning how to put the stickers into the paper.

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