Fall leaf printing

For autumn activities this is one of the best ones. I say that because I love printing. Always have and always will.

It’s a great project to talk with your child about why the leaves are changing from green to yellow, orange or red and why they fall of the trees. Are you ready to explain photosynthesis!  Oh, dear, it can feel daunting but here’s how I would explain this to a 3 year old. It’s a very simple and sweet explanation and can lead to hours of fun in the park exploring, discussing and picking beautiful leaves.

So here it goes…

In the spring and summer the sun shines on the leaves, which gives them energy to grow, Just like how you eat all your vegetables to be big and strong, the leaves eat sunlight. In the autumn the sun does not shine as much so the leaves don’t have enough energy to stay green so they change colour and the leaves fall off so the branches. The tree has a big sleep for the winter and wakes up in spring to make new big green leaves.

Fall leaf printing


  • A tray or a plastic plate
  • Various colours of paint
  • Paper
  • Leaves



Pour different colours of paint onto a tray or a plastic plate.


Then press a single leaf into the paint and push down.


Gently lift it up and press onto a piece of paper.


Then lift the leaf up and a beautiful picture emerges.

Here is a TP roll threading activity! 

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