Play dough

“I love play dough,” I told my employer when I was kneading the first batch of play dough that I was making. She just smiled as she had seen this enthusiasm many times before. Especially when I play with gloop. LOL.

I have such fond memories sitting with my friends making fancy little cakes and cookies that were laid out on trays for everyone to see. If you have time, put some music on, sit down and join your kids and play with the dough. It’s very therapeutic.

This has been my go to recipe for play dough for years. I’ve made a lot of batches! A LOT!

Play dough is non-toxic; however it does contain high amount of salt and therefore should not be eaten. Keep a close eye on your child while he or she is playing with the play dough.

Play dough


  • 1½ cup water
  • 2 tbsp oil or baby oil
  • 1 cup salt
  • 4 tbsp cream of tartar
  • Few drops food colouring
  • 2 cups flour



Place the water, salt, cream of tartar and food colouring in a medium saucepan and whisk together.


Add the four into the saucepan and whisk until the dough is smooth.


Cook over medium heat and stir until the dough starts to pull away from the edges of the saucepan and stick together (if the dough is very sticky it needs to be cooked longer).


Transfer the dough onto a clean surface or a silicon mat. Allow to cool for a few minutes before you kneed it well.


I always mix the food coloring in with the water, as I find it easier that kneading color into the dough. You can divide the dough into balls. Then make a little well at the center of each ball and drop in the food coloring. Fold the dough over and knead until the color has been mixed evenly into the dough (Use plastic gloves if you have them. You hands and fingers will get colored otherwise). If you find the dough to dry, add more water. If you find the dough to moist, add more flour. Store the play dough in a airtight container, as it will last longer. Play dough is a very nice present to give friends and family. Play dough is non-toxic; however it does contain high amount of salt and therefore should not be eaten. Keep a close eye on your child while he or she is playing with the play dough.

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