Yarn wrapped letter

This yarn wrapped letter is great way to teach you child about letters in their name. You can start with the first letter and then continue until their name is spelled out. Then you can display the name on a shelf in their room.

This activity also teaches them bilateral coordination, as they have to hold the letter and yarn in each hand and figure out how to wrap it around.

I love craft like this! It is fun and as everybody knows, kids learn the most efficiently when the activity is enjoyable and you end up with something you can proudly display in your room.

Yarn wrapped letter


  • Cardboard
  • Pen
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Glue



Draw a letter of your choice onto the cardboard.


Then cut the letter out with the scissors.


Choose a string and then tape the end to the back of the cardboard.


Spread a little bit of clue to the area you will be wrapping and then wrap the yarn around and around.


When the yarn runs out or if you want to change the colour, just tie the next colour onto the first one. Then you continue adding glue, wrapping, adding yarn until the whole letter is covered.

I love working with washi tape. Here is an activity you might like too.

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