Duplo colour sorting game

I made this Duplo colour sorting game last week with my little friend.

I point out colours to him all the time but this time wanted to make it into a little game.  We made paper with the colours yellow, red, green and blue. Then we got a pile of Duplo Lego and together sorted each one of them onto the right colour. We had fun and that’s the best way to learn.

Duplo Lego sorting game


  • 4 pieces of paper
  • 4 markers (blue, yellow, red and green)
  • Duplo Lego bricks (blue, yellow, red and green)



Write each colour on top of the paper. Then allow your child to colour in the paper with the matching colour so it’s nice and visible. Place the papers in front of you along with a pile of Duplo Lego bricks. Then together with your child, match each brick onto the right coloured paper.

I love this DIY memory game.

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