I found this pom pom whisk on Pinterest a few weeks ago and I was very excited to see what my little friend would think of it as it’s not as easy as it looks. The pom poms are stuck inside and he had to figure out how to get them out by pulling and/or moving the wires. He also had to figure out how to hold the whisk, i.e in one hand or put it on the floor while pulling out the pom poms.
This activity is great for bilateral coordination, fine motor skills and cognitive development.
You child needs to be supervised during this activity as the pom poms are very small.
Fill the whisk with pom poms . Show your child how to pull the pom poms out of the whisk and then let her have a go. Your child needs to be supervised during this activity. Pom pom whisk
I love this unusual sensory bottle.