I don´t know why I´ve never discovered Cloud dough before! It´s genius, easy and very cheep! But most importantly fun! So much so, that I always participate in this activity with my friends.
Cloud Dough is part of sensory play, it has a lovely soft texture and can be squeezed and moulded into all kinds of different shapes and with a little bit of pressure crumbles back to its original form.
I got this Cloud dough recipe from Learn to play at home.
Mix together with a spoon or using your hands. The dough has really lovely feel to it, like when you make a pastry. -I always supervise children under 3 years of age during this activity as they might want to eat the Cloud dough. If your child thinks the cloud dough is tasty, use vegetable oil instead of the baby oil.
-It´s messy! A lot of the Cloud dough will end up on the floor but don´t worry about it. It´s easy to sweep up after.
-Don´t introduce all the play tools right away. When you see your child is losing interest another one, which will spark a new interest and will give you an extra minute to play or do the dishes.
Cloud dough