Rainbow rice letter tracing

This is a great little activity to teach your children a letter and number recognition through sensory play. All you need is a tray and some rice. If you are feeling adventurous you can make rainbow rice! 

Have your child practice writing the upper case letters, lower case letters, or sight words (words that appear most often in a text) or even their name in the rice. Then they can shake the tray to start all over. 

I know I would have loved this as a child! I actually love this now. There is something magical about tracing a letter through the rice.

Rainbow rice letter tracing


  • Rainbow rice or plain rice
  • Tray
  • Paintbrush (optional)
  • Paper with written letters on it



Pour rice a thin layer of rice into the tray.


Then show your child how to trace a letter into the rice. Shake the tray gently to even the rice out so they can trace again.


Your child can start by using their finger and then try it out with a paintbrush to trace the letters.

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