Friendship bracelet (using cardboard)

I would have loved this friendship bracelet when I was little! LOVED IT! And I know one of my little friends would have loved it too. I will teach it to her when I see her next time. All you need is cardboard and yarn. It’s so easy to do and it looks so beautiful. Now the question is? How many friends do you have?

Friendship bracelet (using cardboard)


  • Cardboard
  • Glass
  • Marker
  • Scissors
  • Yarn



Trace around the glass with the marker.


Cut out the circle.


Draw 8 lines around the circle. They don't have to be precise!Yay!


They cut into each line drawn and punch a hole in the middle of the circle.


Cut 7 strands of string (about 20 cm long) and tie a knot at the end. Push the know end into the hole in the middle of the circle.


Turn the circle around and tread the each string through each line (slot) at the edge.


Turn the circle so that the empty slot is at the bottom. I have named it 0. Then take the 3 string and move it to the 0 slot.


Turn the circle to the left and repeat. Keep on going until you have the desired length. Then pull the strings of the circle and tie a knot.

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