Pipe cleaner crown

This crown is so much fun! All you need is pipe cleaners and then you can transform into a princess. Yes, a princess that is beautiful and elegant that can sing and dance. birds will sing around you and your best friend is a dragon and together you fight trolls, goblins and such. Or you go looking for your true love aka prince charming.  That is so wonderful about  about pretend play. Anything is possible.

When I play princess with my friends, I´m usually the queen! Which is kinda funny as I don´t have a graceful bone in my body. But I have kindness and humour and the rest I can pretend for while until I stumble over my feet and/or walk into a door.

´How do you do, your majesty?

“How do you do?”

Pipe cleaner crown


  • 5 pipe cleaners (that’s it!)
  • Scissors



Take two pipe cleaners and twist the edges around each other to make a ring. This is the base of the crown (See step one).


Cut two pipe cleaners in half with the scissors, Fold the 4 parts in half as well as the last remaining pipe cleaner (see step two).


Twist the top half of the pipe cleaners around two times to make an oval shape of sorts (see step three).


Take the biggest pipe cleaner and twist the bottom halves around the big circle from step one. The remaining 4 get twisted in the same way, two on each side (see step four).

I have made this play dough so many times! Now it’s your turn!

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