Tom’s delicious muffins

I found these muffins on Tom Daley’s youtube channel. He is such a cutie and the video was hilarious as Lance was very tired from being sleep deprived. I can so relate to that as I have been there so many times before.  Except I have to smile and pretend that I’m full of energy. LOL.

The muffins are so delicious and easy to make. You don’t need a kitchen aid or an electric mixer to make them.  You mix the batter with a fork, so it’s perfectly safe if you want the little ones to help you. I LOVE that the recipe has only 4 muffins.  So there is just enough for everyone, and there will be no sneaky muffin eating when the little one is asleep in the evening.

Tom's delicious muffins


  • 64g sugar
  • 64g butter (room temperature)
  • 1 egg
  • 64g self raising flour
  • 1 small mashed banana
  • Muffin cups
  • Cream cheese



Preheat the oven to 180C.


Place butter and sugar into a bowl and whisk together with a fork until fluffy.


Add the egg and wish well.


Then fold in the flour and mashed banana until combined and smooth.


Transfer the batter equality into the 4 muffin cups.


Bake for around 12-15 minutes, or until the cakes turn golden brown and a cocktail stick inserted into the middle comes out clean.


Leave to cool before spreading cream cheese on top. You can decorate with bananas (and chocolate chips).

Sensory bottles are a great thing to make for babies! Here is part two from my series!

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