Paper plate maracas

I let my little friend decorate his very own maraca. He tried to eat the markers a few times! I mean they look very tasty! Don’t they?  I tried to distract him by showing him how the colour appeared on the maraca.

This is a great activity for older kids as they can help with the making of the maracas, using the stapler and tying the yarn onto the edges.

But for my little friend this was probably more of an expressive and aesthetic activity, which allows him to expressing himself through music, song and dance.  He wasted not time finding his own rhythm, creating sounds and dancing to the music he was making.  But as always we just had fun and that will encourage his confidence and self-esteem.

Paper plate maracas


  • Paper plates
  • Markers
  • Stapler
  • Glue (optional)
  • A hole puncher (optional)
  • Yarn (optional)



You start by decorating the back of the paper plates. You will need two plates for each maraca you make.


Place the one plate down on the table and put the filling of your choice in. That could be rice, seeds or beans. Then I put glue around the edge and place the second plate on top. Leave to dry (I’m just being extra cautious here, I don’t want the maracas to leak).


Then staple the edges together.


You can punch a hole around the edges and tie yarn for extra flutter.

Do you know how to make rainbow rice?

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