TP roll heart stamp

I made these TP roll heart stamps last year. This is a wonderful way for your child to make art or a card for someone special.  It is perfect for any card really, but especially Valentine’s cards.   I hope you still send cards? I do!

In fact down below you can see the two valentine’s cards I sent last year. And I can inform you that he is still in fact my valentine (heart emoji).

TP roll heart stamp


  • Toilet paper roll (s)
  • Paint
  • Paper or cards
  • Paint tray or paper plate



Fold the toilet paper roll in the middle, and place a tape over to secure it in place.


Pour a little paint into your paint tray.


Show your child how to dip the end of the toilet paper roll into the paint and then make a print onto a piece of paper. Then hand over the roll and let them make hearts, to their hearts desire.

Do you like printing? Here is a fun printing activity involving bubble wrap!

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