Sticker book

Do you know I’m sitting here thinking of something clever to write? It’s been a long day, and I’m a tired nanny. But then I thought I wrote a post about stickering that says all that I want to say now. So I’m going to do copy and paste. It’s my blog and I can and I will. 

Stickering enhances your children’s fine motor skills. It also teaches them bilateral organization, using both hands (and fingers) to hold the paper and peeling off the sticker. It’s also a sensory experience, due to the glue on the back of the sticker and the texture of the sticker (it can be shiny, mat, raised, glowing etc).

But like with many projects, it’s not so much what children learn but the fun part of it. So many kids love collecting stickers and store them in folders/books that get shown to friends and relatives. One of my friends brings out her folder every time I visit her, and I get asked to choose my favourite sticker on every page.

Sticker book


  • Sticker book
  • Stickers



How you put the stickers in is up to your child. They might want to put the same kind of stickers on one page or all over. Remember there is not right or wrong way.

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