Mess free feet painting

Who does not want a mess free painting activity? No cleaning up? Me me me! Joking a side I wanted to try this for ages. I love making the hand version of this active and now that my little friend is older and very energetic I though he might like to do a little stamping. He did actually love it so much he asked to do it again in the afternoon. That might be because not only is this a art project this is also a sensory experience using his feet and whole body.

And BTW it’s a great present! We made these for Father’s Day on Sunday. Let’s hope my boss does not read my blog!

Painting with feet


  • Canvas (or paper)
  • Paints
  • Ziplock bag
  • Mud podge (optional)



Squirt some paint onto the canvas. If you are using paper then the floor has to been quite even so the paper will not rip.


Place carefully into a ziplock bag.


Then let your child step on the canvas so that the paint spreads around.


Carefully take out of the ziplock bag and let dry.


Varnish with mud podge if you wish.

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