Yarn painting

After yesterday’s yarn printing I fancied doing something a little bit messier today. So, today’s art projet is yarn painting.

This is a great process art and sensory art project because it’s self-directed and each child gets to experience using yarn to paint onto a piece of paper. It’s a fun but messy process. You will end up with beautiful artwork especially if your child does leave some of the yarn on the paper. I wish I had done that but as I’m a grown-up I didn’t think outside the box and therefore didn’t do that.

I was thinking this could be a great present. I would use canvas instead of paper and varnish over it. It would look so beautiful!

Yarn painting


  • Yarn
  • Scissors
  • paint
  • bowls
  • Paintbrushes



Pour the paint into the bowls.


Cut the string into 5-10 cm pieces.


Then put one piece into each bowl and cover with paint.


Then pick them up with the paintbrush or with your fingers (fingers are more fun lol) and put them on the paper. There is no right or wrong way to paint with the yarn. Just have fun.

If you liked yarn painting you might like yarn drawing as well?

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