Different ways to play with measuring cups

This is activity number two in my series on playing with things you can find in your house. I do have to say though I didn’t find these measuring cups in my house. I found them in the pound shop down the road and they did in fact cost a pound.

I bought these measuring cups as a stacking toy for my little friend. She used them of course as a musical instrument at first by banging them together and then I showed her the stacking part of the play.

Measuring cups are great for playing in water whether it’s the bath or outside in a water tray. The handles make it easy for children to pour the water between the cups or into the bath.

I also like to use measuring cups when I play with foam play dough, cloud dough, or sensory bins. They are great for scooping, pouring, and measuring.

You can also use them for the original purpose which is baking. Kids love baking and who does not love a nice cake?

I’m sure you are thinking now are you not missing the main point of measuring cups? No, I’m not as I was waiting until the end to write about it. You can use measuring cups to introduce your child to weight and more importantly fractions. So, before they learn about it at school they have used them in play and practice.

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