Bubble wrap printing

I remember as a little girl painting half of the paper and folding it over to make a pattern. The surprise of what pattern might appear was the fun part, because every time it was so very different. I used to love it. I still love it actually. I sometimes sneakily press a paper on my friend’s paintings just to get a print. They don´t mind, and in fact I very often keep that picture.

Bubble wrap printing


  • Plastic tablecloth or newspaper
  • Paint
  • A paint tray or individual plastic bowls
  • A plastic glass filled with water
  • Bubble wrap material
  • Tape (optional)
  • Paintbrush (es)
  • White Paper



Cover a table with a plastic tablecloth or newspaper.


Pour a few different colors of paint into the paint tray or the plastic bowls.


Place the paint on the table along with the plastic glass filled with water and the paintbrushes.


Place the bubble wrap on the table, and tape it down if you wish.


Allow your child to paint any color or design on the bubble wrap.


Then show your child how to print by pressing a piece of paper down onto the bubble wrap, lifting up, and showing the multi colored pattern.


Make another print with a fresh paper.


Allow your child to explore popping the bubble wrap before the activity starts. The activity may run more smoothly if this impulse has been satisfied. When the bubble wrap becomes murky with colors, replace with a new piece of bubble wrap or wipe the color off with a wet sponge and start again.

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