I’ve made rainbow rice twice lately so I though it would be a good idea to write a post about how you make it. I’ve used it for our sensory bottles and rainbow rice sensory bin. The rice can also be used for arts and crafts, like gluing rice to a piece of paper.
The rice is looks very beautiful after it’s being coloured and you will not resist putting your hands through it your self!
Note that this recipe makes one colour! Just repeat if you want more than one colour!
How to make rainbow rice
- 1 cup rice
- 1 tsp vinegar
- Food coloring
- Sip lock bag
- Plastic plate (Baking tray)
Pour the rice into the sip lock bag.
Add a splash of food coloring and the vinegar, and close the bag.
Now here is a job for the little ones! Shake! Shake! Shake! (If the rice is not completely covered in color, you might have to add more food coloring).
Pour the rice onto a plastic plate (or baking tray) and allow to dry over night.