Potato stamps

I always thought potato stamps were made by annoyingly talented people, that hand carved all kinds of creations using a small knife. And since I can’t even cut bread straight, I never thought to even try. But now I’ve discovered a way to make them by using small cookie cutters! Genius really!

Potato stamps


  • 2 baking potatoes
  • Small metal cookie cutters
  • Small kitchen knife
  • Paint
  • Small plastic bowls
  • Paper



Wash and dry the baking potatoes, then cut them in half (each potato will make two stamps)


Press the cookie cutter into the center of potato. Cut around the pattern about one centimeter down, and remove the layer of potato and the cookie cutter from the shape.


Repeat the process with the other potatoes, creating different patterns.


Pour paint into the plastic bowls.


Place the potato stamps, paint and paper in from of your child, and show him or her how to press the potato into the paint and then onto the paper.


The cookie cutters have to be smaller than the potato and the bowls have to be bigger than the potatoes! Just stating the obvious here? Each potato stamp will start in one bowl, but don’t be surprised if the all the mixed up. Just breath deeply and let it go. It’s ok, regardless it’s art in the process. You can also make stamps with oranges, lemons, apples and onions by cutting them in half (they need to be patted down on paper towel before they are used).

Jumping in muddy puddles is always a good idea!

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