Paper plate Caterpillar

Paper plate caterpillar


  • Paper plate
  • Markers (or crayons)
  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Googly eyes
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Glue
  • Sticky tape 



Cut the paper plate in half and then cut out the circle away only leaving the boarder edge.


Color in the boarder! Either with markers or crayons.


Cut out a small circle from the paper using the scissors. That’s the head! Dooh!


Cut the pipe cleaners into 8 small parts. Tape 6 (legs) onto the underside of the caterpillar and then bend (see picture) the remaining two for the tentacles. Then tape them to the back of the head.


Turn the head over and glue the googly eyes to the front of the face and then draw a mouth!  Lastly tape the head onto the caterpillar.

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